Wednesday 6 April 2011

Magazine Feature


Radio Times appear to focus more on the products they are featuring and the behind the scenes, as well as  any issues that product may produce, than about the cast itself, as is reflected in the examples above. Publications, like Radio Times, have more interactive approach to their features, filled with images and breaks in the text to make it more approachable. They usually use small and semi-standardised text, similar to that of new papers, like the use of  pull-quotes to draw you into reading the feature and drop letters to add to formality. Other codes and conventions include the standardised usage of two or three columns per page of text, having the introductory paragraph in larger/bolder font than the rest of the feature and having the title of the publication and the date at the bottom of every page.

Rough Layouts

First of all I mocked up my layout on Indesign. Looking through the images from the shoot we did, I decided to settle on a cast shot that would contrast my poster, that would show us as actors, not as characters. The image itself needed a bit of a tidy up and edit; after patching, blemish removing and evening out skin tones, I then liquified the image and began editing via the forward warp, pucker and bloat tools; below you can see the differences.

I then placed the images in the appropriate places, ensuring that the content was fitted proportionally, the placing of the poster had me playing around with the size of the image until it fit correctly.

The next part I worked on was the title, 'Everyone's talking about Pembroke Gardens, Radio 7's hit new drama', I decided to use the term "Everyone is talking about" as that is inclusive and also an implicative and suggestive way to drum up more hype. I also added 'Radio Times Exclusive' in a bright box in the top left corner to highlight and show the importance, via a rectangle tooled box and a red swatch. I decided that I wanted to have a pull-quote beneath the introduction, this will pull the audience in further; originally I decided to create a fresh swatch of a less vibrant red, but this was changed later.

Finally with the majority of the layout sorted, with some tweaking, I added my feature in 'Helvetica' font, ensuring that the introductory segment was in bold. I made sure that the interview section of my feature was defined, introductory of who was involved followed by the interviewers questions in bold and that the hyphenation was turned off.

The feature itself was an interview with the cast about the radio drama and their attitudes towards it and the press reaction. This keeps in the tone with the kind of features Radio Times write, they take a subjective view on the product, looking at it's multi-facets instead of looking at it objectively and talking about it.

Final Version

Running date and details
Published in the 7-14th of March edition of Radio Times.\

Adjusted Version

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